Our Services

We provide a range of services for different concepts and environments, from small projects to major rehabilitation, whether in houses, apartments or complete buildings.

Our versatility allows us to tailor your ideas and realize your projects.

Contractor's permit for private works: 84076-PAR

Interior Design Projects

Design Projects / Architecture / Interior Design for New and Old Spaces (Renovations, Re-planning).

Construction Works

Urban Renewal (Paintings/Stucco, Coatings and Flooring, Electricity/Telecommunications, Carpentry /Woodwork , Water/Sewage, Gas/Heating, Facades and Roofs Repairs, Windows).

Furniture and Decorative Materials

Made to Measure Furniture and Decorative Materials (General, Bathrooms, Kitchens).

Office Furniture

Office Furniture (Workstations, Offices, Meeting Rooms, Auditoriums, Kitchens/Dining, Lounge rooms, Rest Areas, Receptions).

Mobiliario de escritorio - servicos

Holiday Apartment Management

Search, Renovation, Decoration and Operation of Holiday Apartments for Lodging/Accommodation on behalf of the Owners or for Potential Buyers.



Construction supervision and Coordination

Planning, Monitoring and Supervising for Performance guarantee of all necessary activities for the success of your project.
